Things Change

I said yesterday I was going to hay,=. Well it turned out I didn't, things change. I went out yesterday morning and found out the kids horse I have around the house here had been hurt at some point and was really limping from a cut. So after I got the hired man cutting hay I had to run the horse into the vet to get taken care of. The vet is going to have to keep him a few days but it still took time. By the time I got back home and was ready to go to the field it was noon, an obscenely late hour around here, so I decide on a different course of action.<br />n<br />nWith my wedding anniversary coming up on Monday, I decide to bag working in the hot weather and took my Darling Wife to town and treated her to an afternoon of just the two of us to celebrate early. It was fun.<br />n<br />nThings change and it worked out well. Back to haying today.<br />n<br />n<b>:Change is the only constant. Hanging on is the only sin. Denise McCluggage</b>



