
To start with i wish to apologize for the website problems that I experienced Sunday through Monday. They were not of my making and were a problem my hosting service, <a href="">Ipowerweb</a>, knew about but didn't feel like fixing until a time of their choosing. <a href="">Ipowerweb</a> has been a pretty good hosting provider but their customer support stinks if you have a problem. I have informed them i will be looking for another solution and not to expect any more money from me. I am looking for an alternative hosting for this site and am working on the situation. I will let you know the status later.<br />n<br />nNow on to more what the title of this post is about, a scam. The biggest scam I have come across lately is home appliance repair. Last fall My Darling Wife's stove broke down. it was a fairly expensive stove so I dove into it to try to figure out the problem. When you live so far from town it is usually cheaper to fix it yourself or buy a new one than to try to call a repair man. I did figure out the problem in very short order but when i went to get the part I was floored. Sixty dollars for a little igniter that probably cost no more than five dollars for the Chinese to make. What a scam.<br />n<br />nThis tradition continued last Thursday. My Darling Wife's refrigerator quit working. What a pain. It only took me a couple of google searches and about 30 minutes to isolate the problem. A little fan motor no bigger than a coffee cup was out. Fifty damn dollars for the little fan motor and then they added twenty dollars to ship it to us. It fixed the problem but seventy dollars to fix the damn thing when the part probably cost no more than five dollars for the Chinese to make. <br />n<br />nThis is a real scam these appliance makers and Sears are running. They are making a ton of money on repair parts. I've wondered why in recent years the cost of new appliances are no more than they are. It seemed to me to be fairly inexpensive. Now I know how they can sell the appliances so cheap. They jack up the price of repair parts to fix the damn things. They sure have you over a barrel on this one.<br />n<br />n<strong>The money's the same, whether you earn it or scam it. Bobby Heenan</strong>



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