Lightning Strike

I saw <a href="">this story</a> and it reminded me to mention my latest. Last week we had a thunderstorm go over our area that had some moisture in it and lots of lightning. The other day while checking the water in the far pasture, I only check it about once a week, I found a dead cow laying in the middle of the road on a big open flat. The only thing I can figure is that she was struck by lightning. It looks like she just fell dead there, no struggle or anything. <br />n<br />nThis kind of thing happens occasionally and there is nothing a person can do about it. How many cattle I have lost that way I couldn't tell you but quite a few. The one I really remember is the time a horse got killed by a lightning strike on the place. I don't have a lot of horses as compared to cows so that one really sticks in my mind. It does remind a person about the dangers of lightning though.<br />n<br />n<strong>Thunder is good, thunder is impressive; but it is lightning that does all the work. Mark Twain</strong>



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