
<a href="">Ups and Downs</a> from the Billings Gazette.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>DOWN: Fuel economy stalls. While gas prices soar above $3 a gallon across America, the U.S. Senate's Commerce Committee is diluting legislation that would mandate the first significant increases in fuel efficiency in 22 years. Consumers need vehicles that get more miles per gallon to stretch their dollars and to conserve the nation's fuel supply. Senators need to catch up to the pump price reality that confronts average Americans. </blockquote><br />n.<br />nEXCUSE ME, WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COW SHIT. It doesn't take the government to mandate fuel economy. The consumer has the option of buying a vehicle with higher fuel economy if that is what they want. If enough empty headed consumers bought only vehicles with higher fuel economy the car companies would get the idea and offer more vehicles with higher fuel economy. Real simple and easy. <br />n<br />nLast year I stepped out and bought a new to me vehicle for the family and one of the highest concerns to me was fuel economy. I found something that would work for me. I had the choice and I used it. I would have been happier with a vehicle that had more room, more power, more ability in the mud, but I didn't. I made a damned choice and stuck with it.<br />n<br />nWhen will people quit whining that the government needs to mandate this or mandate that and just live their life making the appropriate choices so the government can stay out of our damned lives. BUY A DAMNED CAR THAT HAS HIGH FUEL ECONOMY INSTEAD OF WHINING ABOUT THE GOVERNMENT DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT. You as a consumer can make a difference and the difference doesn't need to be lobbying Congress to make our lives difficult it's making a fuel friendly choice when you purchase a vehicle. Make a choice. I guess for most idiots out there it's to hard to do that.<br />n<br />n<strong>They hammer, they hammer; it is unbearable. That is why you have to go away. They hammer everywhere! They hammer in your brain! Hell, these idiots, they come with their hammer, where people are sitting, to hammer! Klaus Kinski</strong>